Since 10.6 (Snow Leopard) native file compression has been built into HFS+ (the MacOS Extended filesystem).
The feature is hidden away in a command line utility called ditto (you can check the man pages for the command via "man ditto") which is a file/directory copying program.
Apple hasn't recommended it for the following reasons but if you don't use computers prior to 10.6, you'll be fine.
When copying files or extracting content from an archive,
if the destination is an HFS+ volume that supports compres-
sion, all the content will be compressed if appropriate.
This is only supported on Mac OS X 10.6 or later, and is
only intended to be used in installation and backup scenar-
ios that involve system files. Since files using HFS+ com-
pression are not readable on versions of Mac OS X earlier
than 10.6, this flag should not be used when dealing with
non-system files or other user-generated content that will
be used on a version of Mac OS X earlier than 10.6.
In it's simplist form, use it this way to compress a directory:
ditto --hfsCompression sourceDirectory destinationDirectory
In my case I had a lot of applications that I didn't want to delete but that I might not ever use i.e.
sudo mv /Applications/ /Applications/
sudo ditto --hfsCompression /Applications/ /Applications/
sudo rm -rf /Applications/
You can check the compression status with a utility like hfsdebug or fileXray or do a df -h before and after a compression to see that the disk storage used by the command is usually much less than without.
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